ESCAPe 2022 Canceled

ESCAPe 2022 Canceled
Statement from the West Virginia Public Service Training Beckley Division regarding the cancelation of ESCAPe:
Unfortunately, our state has seen a dramatic increase in not only the number of COVID positive cases but the number of COVID deaths.
Over the past few days, the ESCAPe leadership team has been consulting with regional and state Fire, EMS, Emergency Management, and medical professionals. The consensus among all of us is unanimous: we would not be acting in a professional manner in regard to the oaths that we have taken to serve our communities if we were to have ESCAPe 2022.
We want you to know that this decision was not taken lightly and things like this are not easy. We want nothing more than to have this event - to not only continue its long-standing tradition of quality education to our fellow responders but to visit with our ESCAPe family.
ESCAPe 2023 is scheduled for February 22 - 26, 2023. We hope to see you then.
May you be safe and healthy in your continued service to your communities and may the coverage of health and safety be with your family.