HealthNet Aeromedical Services Awarded Ambulance Child Restraints for Aircraft Fleet
HealthNet Aeromedical Services Awarded Ambulance Child Restraints for Aircraft Fleet
CHARLESTON, WV- Leaders from HealthNet Aeromedical Services and the West Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services gathered at CAMC Women and Children’s Hospital for the presentation of new Ambulance Child Restraints.
“The Office of EMS is aware of the number of critically ill patients of the pediatric age group that HealthNet Aeromedical Services transports. They saw a need, reached out, met it and we’re very indebted,” said President and CEO Clinton Burley. “In just a few days, the equipment is going to be all across the state onboard our aircraft and they’ll be placed on critically ill children as they are transported to specialty pediatric care centers.”
HealthNet Aeromedical Services is among six agencies in the state to receive the Ambulance Child Restraint System that can safely restrain all children from 4-99 pounds. This project was funded by the West Virginia Office of EMS Children’s Program along with the WV Healthcare Preparedness Program and WV Hospital Association.
“In West Virginia we have over 500,000 emergency transports each year and 5% of those runs are provided to pediatric patients. These restraints will be a huge benefit to those patients as they are transported to specialty hospitals,” said Melissa Raynes, Director of WVOEMS.
The organization received 10 of the child restraint systems, allowing one to be placed at each aircraft base.