HealthNet Aeromedical Services Medical Director Selected as President-Elect of WV ACEP Board of Directors

HealthNet Aeromedical Services Medical Director Selected as President-Elect of WV ACEP Board of Directors
The West Virginia College of Emergency Physicians (WV ACEP) has elected L. Michael Peterson, DO, FACEP, as its Board of Director’s President-Elect. Dr. Peterson will serve at WVACEP’s President-Elect for one-year beginning September 2020 and will automatically become President of the chapter for one year beginning in September 2021.
“Dr. Peterson is a seasoned, well respected emergency physician who has a solid track record as a leader in West Virginia’s emergency medicine landscape," said Darby Copeland, WV ACEP Executive Director.
WV ACEP represents more than 230 emergency physicians and is dedicated to improving the quality of emergency medical care through continuing education, research, and public education.
Emergency physicians are specially trained to provide care to patients, including medical, surgical, trauma, cardiac, orthopedic, and obstetric services. Emergency medicine is the only specialty that treats the entire spectrum of illness and injury, regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. As emergency physicians have accepted a greater role in the delivery of medical care in our nation, society has placed greater emphasis on the availability of emergency care. For more information about WV ACEP, visit